2010년 10월 17일 일요일

Church of God#God the Father, Christ Ahnsahnghong -Whom Does the Bible Testify About?

Whom Does the Bible Testify About?
-The Bible Testify About Christ Ahnsahnghong-

 The Bible testifies about the Savior who will redeem mankind. Do you know who He is?

Jn. 5 : 39 These are the Scriptures that testify about me.

Jesus is the Savior whom the Bible testifies about. Everyone knows that. 
How can they accept He is Christ? Is it by human standards, common senses, or scientific evidences?
People accept that Jesus is the Savior because the Bible simply proves Jesus is the Savior 
So, Jesus used the Bible to testify abut Himself.(LK 24 : 25-27)
What about Jesus' disciples?
They also used the Bible to testify about Jesus. (Ac 17 : 2-3, Ac 8 : 34-35) 
The Apostle Paul & Philip used the Bible to testify about the Savior.
Likewise, Jesus' disciples can believed Savior through the Bible.
Why couldn't most religious leaders recognize Christ Jesus? Instead, they crucified Him, even though they were master of the Bible? There are two reasons.

They didn't believe the Bible and they didn't know God
Let's confirm this matter through Jesus' words in the Bible.

Jn 5 : 45 - 47  If you believed Moses, you would believe me, for he(Moses) wrote about me. But 
since you do not believe what he wrote, how are you going to believe what I(Jesus) say?

What he wrote is of the Pentateuch, the first five books of the Bible.

They are Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.
In Jesus' time, people read the Bible that testified of Jesus, but they didn't believe Jesus and what He said.
Today, most of the religious leaders do not believe Christ Ahnsahnghong and what He said. Why?? It's because they do not believe the Bible that testifies of Him.

Jn 15 : 18 -21 For they do not know the One who sent me.

Here, 'the One who sent Jesus' is God. Many religious leaders persecuted Jesus' disciples at that time because they didn't know God.
In the same way, today, many false churches persecute us when we testify of Christ Ahnsahnghong the Savior.
Why do they do that? It's because they do not know God.
Only those who believe the Bible can recognize that all the 66 books of the Bible undoubtedly testify of Christ Ahnnsahnghong 
Believe in Christ Ahnsahnghong, our Savior, whom the Bible prophesies and testifies about.
You can have salvation and eternal life only through Him. 
Church of God (World Mission Society Church of God)

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