World mission society Church of God we believe God the Father who is the second coming christ Ahnsahnghong and Heavenly mother.Church of God World mission society keeps the God's feasts. One of God's feasts is the Passover.
Passover is coming soon. Let's keep the Passover God gave us.
Passover is coming soon. Let's keep the Passover God gave us.
On 3.4.2011. The strong earthquake, Tsunami attacted Japan. Because of that many people were died.
Even though a few days passed already, still it affects a lot.
More time passes by, the greater magnitude of the dead.
Not only this but only the reason that the whole world is concentrating is radiation effects from nuclear.
It happened near my nation so I can not hold to be a sad.
So I would like to tell them earnestly the message " Cheer up " and the message of life that is the way to be protected from disasters.
There are some problem that men can figure out the answer but others not.
This earthquake is like that.
It brought unprecedented demage and mortality in Japen which is the nation that prepare for earthquake thoroughly.
But not only this earthquake but Volcanic eruptions, earthquake, typhoon, war, infectious disease etc. In this world disasters like a time bomb that can not be predicted is a threat to survival mankind.
Although the science has been improving , but It is a useless before the enormous disaster.
When they can not solve a problem with physical strength at that time people are looking for God hoping for a miracle.
Even though we can not find any way to salvation with men's method , if we study the bible we can find out it.
God wants everyone to be saved. (1Ti2:4). So he told us the way for salvation.
God gave easy way of salvation to the one who wants to recieve the salvation.
(Ps91:7) A Thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hadn, but it will not come near you.
(Ex12:11) ... it is the LORD's Passover .... When I see the blood, I will pass over you. No destructive plague will touch you when i strike Egypt.
(Nk22:7) Then came the day of Unleavened Bread on which the Passover lamb had to be sacrificed... And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying This is my body given for you .... In the same way, after the supper he took the cup, saying This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you.
By keeping the Passover Jesus Christ put a seal with the new covenant on us to give us forgiveness of sins and save us from disasters.
Even though we can not understand with our thoughts. But our thoughts and God's thoughts are diffrent. (Isa55:8)
Let's see water that was made by God. Water is a combination with hydrogen and oxygen. But both of them have a character that make the fire to burn.
But God made the water with this two elements.
I hope evernyone to keep the passover that God gave us without our own stubbornness , thoughts.
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